
"Prop 8 Hurt My Family: Ask Me How"

The article "Prop 8 Hurt My Family: Ask Me How" features a compilation of findings community forums and online surveys regarding the controversial Proposition 8 law passed in California that decertified same-sex marriage in that state. It documents the destructive effects of the law on homosexual people and others who support them. The article is broken down into six categories that Proposition 8 negatively affected. Those categories were people, children of same-sex couples, bullying in schools, heterosexual allies, families, and neighborhoods.
            Proposition 8 is shown in a very negative light in the article. I in turn agree with the article. I personally agree that people have the right to do what makes them happy. Some people might say they’re setting a bad example. Well if that’s the case then just turn your head the other way. It’s not our place to say what’s right or wrong. There is a socially accepted standard but people are free to break free from that standard if they choose. Plus, a lot of the stuff the opposition brings to the table is also irrelevant and flat out nonsense. I chose a picture that shows a segregated bathroom and “Prop 8” on the bottom, comparing Proposition 8 to modern day segregation. 


1 comment:

  1. Im interested in the article "Prop 8 Hurt My Family: Ask Me How". where can I find it?
